A V600 hopper window (also known as a basement window) opens inward with a single stainless steel handle. Hopper windows are typically small windows and can not exceed 30″x 25″.
- Fully welded frame and sash construction
- 3 1/4″ Frame depth and 1 8/8″ sash thickness
- 7/8″ double paned insulated glass
- Stainless steel hardware and fasteners
- Extruded aluminum screen
- Multi-chambered extrusions from virgin vinyl increases the rigidity and provides additional insulation.
- Sloped sill system sheds water readily – virtually eliminating air infiltration and allows for easy cleaning.
- New construction frame with built-in nailing fin and siding pocket
Shop Drawing:
Test Reports:
- AAMA Rating: H-C45
- Test Specification: AAMA/NWWDA 101/I.S.2-97
- Test Size: 56″X 91″
- Air Infiltration at 1.57 psf (25 mph): 0.11 cfm/ft²
- Water Resistance at 7.5 psf (ASTM E547): no leakage
- Forced Entry Resistance (ASTM F588): Grade 10
- Uniform Load Structure (ASTM E330): 67.5 psf int/ext: 0.005″/0.010″